My funny Valentine

My funny Valentine

Feb 08

Valentine's Day Jokes & StoriesLife is funny, and so are people when they are placed in unpredictable situations. Valentine’s Day brings out the best and the worst in lovers, couples, and people in general. The story of cupid and his special love arrows date back to the dark ages of time. Unfortunately, cheap husbands, stiffs and non-stiff dates, date back even further.

Romance is everything it is cracked up to be. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be standing in long store lines after midnight trying to purchase a Valentine’s Day card, order flowers and candy, or kick the cat when you miss the one phone call that matters more than the other 50 phone calls you ignored all day. However, there are some funny tales to suit the day as shown in two stories about how insensible men can be, and how cheap love really is..sometimes.

Cheap is a Profession for Cheapskates

A husband and wife are strolling past a perfume boutique. All the wonderful and exotic smells are lingering in the atmosphere. The wife reminds the husband that Valentine’s Day is coming up in a few days, and she really loves the smell of the perfumes.

His suggestion to her is to walk around the store a few more times, so she can remember those lovely scents on Valentine’s Day. Moral of this Valentine’s Day story: Nothing can choke out the holiday spirit quicker than a cheap, stingy mate!

Stiff and Cold

When couples have been married for a long time, they can let the fire go out of the relationship. One grumpy old couple obviously had more problems than others. The old man told his wife, that when she dies he was going to put this inscription on her tombstone: “Cold, as always.” Perhaps her not giving it up in the bedroom, wasn’t because she couldn’t perform.

Her disappointment in the bedroom is quite relevant and it will be to others as well, when she said she’ll put “Stiff at last” on his tombstone. If he wasn’t making her smile, she had every reason to be grumpy. Viagra would have definitely made this old grumpy couple smile, jump, laugh and perhaps stroll through the park together.


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