The Best Comedy Movies Of 2019

The Best Comedy Movies Of 2019

Apr 24
The Best Comedy Movies Of 2019

There’s nothing like a good comedy to put a smile on someone’s face, but it seems like of late, many new movies are dramas and comedies are few and far between. Thankfully, 2019 will see quite a few comedies being released. Here’s my list of movies that I am looking forward to!

Comedy Movies Being Released In 2019

The following titles might be worth checking out when you’re in the mood to see a funny film:

What Men Want

In 2000, the movie “What Women Want” starring Mel Gibson delighted viewers. Now its counterpart, “What Men Want” has been released (Feb 8th, 2019). Taraji P. Henson stars in the new film as a woman who is suddenly able to read the minds of all the men around her. This ability gives her an edge at work where she’s been struggling to move forward in a  male-dominated office.

Drunk Parents

Alec Baldwin and Salma Hyack play two parents who are trying to hide their financial troubles from their daughter and from their social circle. They use elaborate schemes to move money around and hide their issues, enjoying a drink the entire time.

Wine Country

Starring Amy Poehler who also directs the film, the film has an incredible cast including Maya Rudolph Tina Fey, Rachel Dratch, Ana Gasteyer, Paula Pell, and Emily Spivey! The plot sends this awesome group of friends on a wine tour where hilarity ensues! The film will be released on May 10th on Netflix.

Men In Black: International

Although the film will no longer include original cast members Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, the latest installment of the Men In Black series is sure to be a hit!

The Addams Family

This time this classic story will be an animated feature with a cast that includes Charlize Theron, Oscar Isaac, Chloe Grace Moretz, and Nick Kroll. The question is, what kind of good-natured trouble will Gomez, Morticia, and the kids find themselves in this time? This movie is a good one to share with the family this fall!

Jumanji 2

When Jumanji the reboot was released, the world was delighted and mostly because the film didn’t attempt to remake the amazing original film. Instead, it was a sequel to the first. Here’s hoping that Jumanji 2 is just as wonderful and original!

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu

It’s pretty common knowledge at this time that anything that involves Ryan Reynolds and his dry, sarcastic sense of humor is bound to be fantastic. Since he is voicing the main Pokemon character, Pikachu, the entire family will no doubt enjoy the movie. Together with his human counterpart, Pikachu investigates the disappearance of a missing private eye and in the process, saves the entire Pokemon universe.

Zombieland: Double Tap

Do you love Zombies and laughter? Join Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenburg, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin for the second Zombieland movie!

The Benefits Of Laugher

According to the Mayo Clinic, laughing has a lot of health benefits.

Short term benefits of laughter include:

  • Increased oxygen intake: Laughing helps you take in more oxygen which is stimulating to the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. It also increases endorphins in the brain!
  • Soothes tension: Laughing helps to relieve the muscles which in turn allows the person laughing to relax.

The long term benefits of laughter can include:

  • A boosted immune system: stress can impact the immune system and finding a way to deal with the stress will result in a healthier immune system.
  • Pain relief: Did you know that the hormones released by laughing act as natural pain killers?
  • Improved mood: Laughter is a powerful way to combat feelings of depression and anxiety.

With the awesome health benefits that laughter provides, tonight is the perfect time to pop on a funny movie!